HYPERPYREXIA gets a review at the Dark Underground Music Zine

Tuesday, 26 January 2021
HYPERPYREXIA gets a review at the DarkUndergroundMusicZine!

Earthflesh/Hostile Surgery/Hyperpyrexia/Short Run Industries/Basement Corner Emissions/2020 Collaboration Track Review
This is a review of a collaboration between Switzerland's Earthflesh and Hostile Surgery which shows the music going for a mixture of harsh noise, drone, experimental and industrial which was released in 2020 as a joint effort between Short Run Industries and Basement Corner Emissions.

An almost silent sound starts off the track which is also 45 minutes in length before adding in some drones. After awhile dark industrial style beats start making their presence known in the music while some power electronics can also be heard in the background and the whole recording also sticks to an instrumental direction.

As the track progresses the music also starts adding in more harsh sounding noises while the song also has its experimental moments. Static sounds can also be heard in the background which also adds in touches of harsh noise wall along with the music also having its repetitive moments.

On this track Earthflesh and Hostile Surgery team up together to create a 45 minute instrumental track that mixes harsh noise, drone, experimental and industrial together while the production sounds very dark.

In my opinion this is a very great sounding collaboration between Earthflesh and Hostile Surgery and if you are a fan of harsh noise, drone, experimental and industrial, you should check out this single. 8 out of 10.
Review by OccultBlackMetal
Link to the article on the DarkUndergroundMusicZine


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