TAINTED VISIONS just received it's first review on DarkUndergroundMusicZine:
Switzerland's solo project Hostile Surgery have returned with a new recording which shows the music going for more of a hypnotic mixture of noise, industrial and drone and this is a review of this is a review of his 2021 album "Tainted Visions" which was released by Basement Corner Emissions.
Atmospheric sounding drones start off the album while the only track that is presented on the recording is also over 35 minutes in length. At times the music also gets very experimental sounding along with some synths also being added in the background in some parts of the song which also has its ritualistic and cinematic moments, the whole recording also sticks to an instrumental direction and as track progresses noise orientated soundscapes can also be heard.
On this album Hostile Surgery takes noise, drone, industrial, ritual and experimental and mixes them together to create a very long and hypnotic track as well a s keeping everything instrumental while t he production sounds very dark and lo-fi.
In my opinion this is another great sounding recording from Hostile Surgery and if you are a f an of noise, drone, ritual, experimental and industrial, you should check out this album. 8 out of 10.
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