"obsession [ob-sesh´un]: a recurrent, persistent thought, image, or impulse that is unwanted and distressing (ego-dystonic) and comes involuntarily to mind despite attempts to ignore or suppress it. Common obsessions involve violence, contamination, and doubts."
- Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine
Check out The Measure of Madness's first music video for the track session 1: obsession:
The music videos to The Measure of Madness is a mix of two kind of automatic visualization, heavily edited in black & white and trying to emulate the same processes used to make the music and trying to push and add something new in each video.
The Measure of Madness has been released by Kalamine Records: https://kalaminerecords.bandcamp.com/album/the-measure-of-madness
- Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine
Check out The Measure of Madness's first music video for the track session 1: obsession:
The music videos to The Measure of Madness is a mix of two kind of automatic visualization, heavily edited in black & white and trying to emulate the same processes used to make the music and trying to push and add something new in each video.
The Measure of Madness has been released by Kalamine Records: https://kalaminerecords.bandcamp.com/album/the-measure-of-madness
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