The Measure of Madness, session 3: nervosa Music Video

Thursday, 17 February 2022
"Nervosa (aka anorexia nervo​sa) [nər-ˈvō-sə-zə]: a serious disorder in eating behavior that is characterized especially by a pathological fear of weight gain leading to faulty eating patterns, malnutrition, and usually excessive weight loss and that occurs most commonly in young women in their teens and early twenties."
- Merriam-Webster dictionary

Check out The Measure of Madness's 2nd music video for the track session 3: nervosa:

One of the many ways to destabilize the uniformity of each video, to make them more interesting as a whole, was to play around with the black & white and progressively invert some sequence in negative values (black becomes white, etc.) and with each video pushing the inversion a little bit further.

The Measure of Madness has been released by Kalamine Records:


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