The Measure of Madness, session 4: compulsion Music Video

Tuesday, 22 February 2022
"Compulsion [kəm-pŭl′shən]: 1. a. The act of compelling. b. The state of being compelled. 2. An irresistible impulse to act, regardless of the rationality of the motivation: "He felt an animal compulsion to flee the hotel and the city" (Paul Theroux). 3. Psychiatry An act or ritual that a person feels compelled to perform repeatedly, often to reduce the distress caused by an obsession."
- Dictionary of the English Language

Check out The Measure of Madness's 2nd music video for the track session 4: compulsion:

This album is closer to more traditional music and includes some kind of melodies, but the goal was to not push them on the first row, kind of strangling these melodies to the back. Some tracks, like this session 4: compulsion, has enough melodies to get the sound in your head after the listening.

The Measure of Madness has been released by Kalamine Records:


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