Here comes a first review for INTO A COLD LIGHT by GrimGaijin from The Dungeon in deep space by GrimGaijin: The Nebula Breviary – A Voyage Through The Black Hole With Kalamine Records.
It's a piece about Kalamine Records, where 10 recent albums have been selected and reviewed and INTO A COLD LIGHT hits the 9th place:
9. Hostile Surgery – Into A Cold Light
‘Into A Cold Night’ contains six protracted anthems that extend to almost eighty minutes of playing time. These masterful drones mirror a creativity of malevolent proportions as they represent a barrage of hostile actions that can only be portrayed in nightmares. From deafening modulations to wavering sound effects, there is a certain demise that becomes paramount when indulging in its menacing grasp. Although each of these tracks produce a unique listening experience, the results for all of them is the same- dark, brooding ambience with rugged atmospherics that will leave the listener is a gloomier state than before listening to this massive recording.
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